Ian in Paris

An American moves to Paris, trains for an Ironman, eats every croissant in France, and chronicles his journey.

The Blog

  • Eat Right to Boost Endurance Performance

    Eating Well to Get Faster and Leaner. It is the new year, which if you so choose, is a great time to refocus on goals. One of my big goals for the next six months is to train for and compete in the 2025 Nice Ironman. I’ve been active my whole life, but in sports…


  • Goal, Progress, and Process

    Goals, Progress, and Process A Goal sets the target. If we are a ship on the open sea, a Goal is our direction. It gives us our bearing, it is the star which sets our compasses due north. Progress measures how far we have come and how far we still have to go. Progress represents…


  • Signing up for an Ironman.

    I cannot decide if signing up for an Ironman was a marvelous choice or a horrible mistake. I had breakfast the other day with a professional in his early 40s. A nice man, and obviously extremely successful in life. The subject of Ironman came up, and he could not understand why anyone would do such…